Immortal Beloved

Anthros Galactica

New Release

Anthros Galactica

Anthros Galactica is a science fiction series narrated over multiple episodes. The series is a Space Opera about our humanity’s long forgotten past in the Milky Way Galaxy which arose out of several ancestral humanities who lived among a number of different star systems in the early Milky Way Galaxy.  

Episode one of the series, Rise of the Omicron, tells the story of two ancient long-forgotten humanities, the Orion Empire in the constellation of Orion and the Omicron Order in the constellation of Scorpius. Both humanities had competing visions for how human life should evolve and unfold throughout the galaxy. These two humanities eventually spark a great cosmic war which ultimately comes to determine the destiny of our own humanity, first on Mars, and then ultimately here on Earth, many years in the future.  

Episode two of the series, Higher Worlds, continues the story of the Orion and Omicron. Amidst the great struggle already growing between these two cosmic adversaries, a strange anomaly has been discovered deep under the Permian Ocean on Planet Artep, one of Orion’s terrestrial worlds in the Bellatrix star system. Little do people know that what awaits on the other side of this anomaly will change the course of the cosmic war.

Episode three of the series, The League of Psions, shifts the story into high gear. The rise of General Cyrus Urlex and the Omicron Order in Scorpius is sending shock waves throughout the galaxy. Can anyone stop the General’s ruthless psychopathic rein? The only power seen willing or potentially capable of stopping the General is the Orion Empire. In episode two, the Empire discovers a secret supernatural power behind the Rise of the Omicron. In episode three, the Orion Empire rushes to catch up with this supernatural power in a whole new theater of psychic warfare.

Erik P. Antoni, using his knowledge of the Ancient Mysteries, presents an epic tale which compels the reader to stop and reconsider humanity’s place in the universe and to question the purpose of human existence.